The state Department of Commerce has stated recently that the Kitsap Economic Development Alliance has been awarded a two-year $500,000 grant to launch the Washington Autonomous Vehicle Cluster or WAV-C.
The Department of Commerce promotes job creation and economic growth by ensuring fair trade, providing the data necessary to support commerce and constitutional democracy, and fostering innovation by setting standards, and conducting foundational research and development.
Through their bureaus and 46,608 employees (as of January 31, 2018) located in all 50 states, every U.S. territory, and more than 86 countries, they provide U.S.-based companies and entrepreneurs invaluable tools through programs such as the Decennial Census, the National Weather Service, NOAA Fisheries, and the Foreign Commercial Service. Among many other functions, the Department oversees ocean and coastal navigation, helps negotiate bilateral trade agreements, and enforces laws that ensure a level playing field for American businesses and workers

The Innovation cluster accelerator models bring key players together – business, entrepreneurs, academia, investors, and government – to clear up enterprise challenges that limit boom and innovation.
Nine innovation clusters are being funded in various industries, which include advanced computing, 5G, renewable energy, bioscience, and others. KEDA developed the WAV-C suggestion with a center of attention on accelerating the enterprise of unmanned and self-reliant vehicles, forecast as a $2 trillion international market by way of 2030.
“KEDA’s proposed launch idea for WAV-C is to at the start focal point on the water phase of these vehicles, given the strong maritime and protection industry presence in our community,” KEDA executive director Joe Morrison said. The underwater segment of unmanned cars by myself has a projected dimension of $9.5 billion by means of 2028.