KITSAP COUNTY—4 recent deaths and over 50 recent cases of COVID-19, confirmed by the Kitsap Public Health District on Wednesday. Ever since the Coronavirus pandemic began, it took the lives of almost 103 individuals in Kitsap county alone.
More than 31 million people in the U.S. have had confirmed coronavirus infections, and more than 560,000 have died of COVID-19. Tens of thousands of new cases are reported daily nationwide. In the graphics below, explore the trends in your state.
Information on the latest five deaths is unavailable. But of the 98 prior deaths, 52 were community members 80 and older, 27 ages 70-79, 10 ages 60-69, four ages 50-59, three ages 40-49, and two ages 30-39. The health district didn’t list how many had other health conditions but earlier reported the first 43 people who died all had underlying health conditions.
New Coronavirus positive cases bring the countywide total to 6,762 since the pandemic started. Of the new cases, as per the Kitsap Public health district, North Kitsap had four, and Bainbridge Island has two. 24 in South Kitsap.

On Tuesday, the Kitsap Public Health District previously confirmed just six new positive cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, bringing the countywide total to 6,712 but the sudden rise in COVID-19 cases brought the countywide total to 6762, as mentioned above.
A total of 207 cases were considered in “isolation” by the health district, meaning they are “confirmed or probable COVID-19 issues who are in their recommended isolation period.
The total number of vaccine doses given by Kitsap facilities is 154,165.
The rate of positive tests over the last seven days is 5.1 percent.
There are 6,712 total Coronavirus cases; 285 have been reported on Bainbridge Island, 1,750 in Bremerton, 1,576 in Central Kitsap, 1,066 in North Kitsap 2,035 in South Kitsap, respectively.
Coronavirus Cases:
Currently Infected Patients
24,127,401 (99.6%)
in Mild Condition
106,478 (0.4%)
Serious or Critical