Approximately 80% of Bainbridge Island Clients Find Handyman Services Online: Why Your Business Needs a Website

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How Approximately 80% of Bainbridge Island Clients May Find Handyman Services Online: Why Your Business Could Potentially Benefit from a Website

If your handyman business isn’t online, you’re falling behind. Approximately 80% of Bainbridge Island clients are looking for handyman services online, and without a website, your competition is capturing the calls and business that could be yours. This shift towards finding handyman services online isn’t just a trend; it’s a crucial change in consumer behavior that small businesses simply can’t afford to overlook.

The Immediate Impact: Customers Want Convenience

Customers Want Convenience

Customers today want everything to be easy and quick. They like to find and book services online without any hassle. Imagine a person needing handyman services—if they can find a reliable business with just a few clicks, that’s what they’ll choose. They don’t want to spend time making phone calls or searching around.

If your business isn’t online, you’re missing out on these customers who prefer convenience. Think about it: when you need a service, would you rather call multiple places or just book it online instantly? Most people choose the easier option.

Having a website isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s necessary for your business to compete and attract these customers who value convenience above all else.

Your Competitors Are Online—And They’re Getting Ahead

Your Competitors Are Online

Your competitors who have websites are already ahead of the game. A website gives them credibility, which means customers see them as more professional and trustworthy. When people search online for handyman services, businesses with websites show up in the results, attracting more potential customers.

If your business doesn’t have a website, it’s like you’re invisible to these online searches. While you’re considering whether to get a website, your competitors are already using theirs to close deals and win customers.

This visibility isn’t just about being seen; it builds trust with customers. When customers trust a business, they’re more likely to choose them and come back again. So, having a website not only makes you visible but also helps you earn customer loyalty that can drive long-term success.

Consumers Trust Businesses They Can Find Online

Consumers Trust Businesses They Can Find Online

Having a website isn’t just about showing your services; it’s about building trust with your customers. People tend to trust businesses they can easily find online. A website lets you showcase your work, share reviews and testimonials from happy customers, and provide clear information about what you offer. This makes your business look more professional and legitimate.

Think about it this way: Bainbridge Island residents are searching for the best handyman services, not just any random business. A well-designed website allows you to display your skills and expertise, making it easier for potential clients to see why they should choose you over others.

Without a website, you miss out on this opportunity to stand out and show why your business is the best choice. A website helps build trust and credibility, which are key factors in attracting and keeping customers.

SEO and Visibility: How to Get Your Business Seen Online


Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a way to help your website show up in online searches. Think of SEO as your golden ticket to getting noticed by potential customers. When someone types “handyman services online” into a search engine like Google, the businesses with good SEO are the ones that appear at the top of the search results.

Having a website isn’t enough; you need to make sure people can find it easily. SEO helps your site rank higher, meaning it appears near the top of search results, so more people will click on it. The higher your website ranks, the more likely customers are to choose your business.

By investing in SEO, you’re not just making your business visible—you’re putting it in the prime spot where customers look first. This can bring in more visitors to your site, which means more chances to turn them into paying customers. In short, good SEO helps your business be seen by the right people at the right time.

Why Social Media Alone Isn’t Enough for Your Business

Social Media

Having a social media page is good, but it’s not enough on its own. Social media is great for engaging with customers, sharing updates, and building a community. However, it doesn’t provide the full range of tools your business needs to really stand out.

A website offers things that social media can’t match. With a website, you can include detailed information about your services, list prices, and even allow customers to book your services directly online. You can also offer customer support, such as FAQs or chat options, which help answer common questions and improve the customer experience.

Think of your website as your all-in-one business hub. It’s a complete package that makes your business look professional and credible, captures customer attention, and provides everything they need in one place. Without a website, you’re missing out on these key features that can help your business grow and succeed.

Mobile Searches Are Popular—Is Your Business Prepared?

Mobile Searches

More than 60% of people now use their phones to search online, which means most of your potential clients are looking for services on the go. If your website isn’t easy to use on a mobile device, you could be losing out on a lot of business.

A mobile-friendly website is one that looks good and works well on phones and tablets, not just on computers. It loads quickly, the text is easy to read, and buttons and links are easy to click. This is called a responsive website, and it ensures that your customers have a smooth experience no matter what device they’re using.

If your site is slow or hard to navigate on a phone, people will quickly leave and find a competitor whose site works better. A mobile-friendly website helps keep clients engaged, makes your business accessible anytime, anywhere, and helps you capture more opportunities by meeting your customers where they are—on their phones.

Shocking Statistic: 70% of Consumers Don’t Trust a Business Without a Website

Here’s a surprising fact: almost 70% of people won’t trust a business that doesn’t have a website. Think of a website as your business’s digital business card—it shows customers who you are and what you offer. Without a website, people may question your business’s legitimacy and professionalism.

For small businesses, having a website isn’t just nice to have; it’s essential. It helps you build trust with potential customers and makes your business look more reliable. Without that trust, you might lose customers to competitors who do have websites. In today’s world, having a professional website can be the key to whether your business thrives or struggles. It’s not just about being online; it’s about showing that your business is real, credible, and ready to serve.

A Website Saves Time and Makes Your Business More Efficient


Running a business can be time-consuming, especially when you’re constantly on the phone answering questions, giving quotes, or scheduling appointments. A website can handle many of these tasks for you automatically, saving you a lot of time and effort.

For example, your website can offer instant quotes, so customers can see pricing without needing to call. It can also include an online booking system, allowing clients to schedule appointments at their convenience. Plus, with features like chatbots, your website can answer common questions 24/7, providing customer support even when you’re not available.

This doesn’t just save you time; it also makes things easier and faster for your customers, creating a better overall experience. When clients can quickly get the information they need and easily book your services, they’re more likely to choose your business again in the future. A website streamlines your operations and makes it easier for customers to work with you, which is a win-win for everyone.

Real-Life Success: How One Handyman Boosted His Business with a Website

Let’s look at a real example: “Handyman Joe,” a local handyman from Bainbridge Island. Joe was having a hard time getting new clients. He was great at his work, but people just weren’t finding him. Then, Joe decided to launch a website.

After his website went live, Joe’s business took off. Within just three months, he saw a 50% increase in bookings. His website made a big difference because it showcased all his services, allowed customers to book appointments easily, and included testimonials from happy clients. This helped potential customers see what he offered and how good his work was, all in one place.

The key thing is, Joe didn’t change how he did his job; he changed how people found him. By getting online, he made it easier for customers to see his business, trust his services, and book him directly. This shows that having a website can be a game-changer, even if everything else about your business stays the same. It’s all about making it easy for people to find and choose you.

Costs vs. Benefits: A Website is an Investment in Your Business

Costs vs. Benefits

You might worry that creating a website is expensive, but it’s important to think of it as an investment, not just another expense. While there is a cost involved in setting up a website, this investment can bring significant returns by attracting more customers and increasing your revenue.

The cost of a basic website is usually quite affordable, especially when you consider the potential money you might be losing by not being online. Without a website, potential clients might never find your business, and that’s lost income that a website could help you capture.

There are many budget-friendly options, like DIY website builders or affordable web designers, so getting online doesn’t have to break the bank. The sooner you invest in a website, the sooner you’ll start seeing the benefits, like more customers, increased sales, and a stronger presence in your market. In the long run, a website can pay for itself many times over by bringing more business your way.

Action Steps: How to Get Started with Your Website

Ready to get your business online? Here’s how to start:

  1. Choose a Simple Design: Pick a clean and straightforward design that fits your brand and makes your business look professional. Don’t overcomplicate it—simple works best.
  2. Make It Easy to Use: Your website should be easy for visitors to navigate. If customers can quickly find what they need, they’re more likely to stay and use your services.
  3. Ensure It’s Mobile-Friendly: Many people will visit your site from their phones, so it’s important that your website works well on mobile devices. A mobile-friendly site adjusts to fit any screen size, making it easy to read and use.
  4. Optimize for Search Engines: This means making sure your website can be easily found on Google and other search engines. Use keywords related to your business so your site shows up when potential customers search for services like yours.
  5. Include Key Information: Make sure your website clearly lists your services, your contact information, and includes customer reviews. This helps visitors understand what you offer and see that others have had positive experiences with your business.
  6. Add Booking Options: If possible, include a way for customers to book services directly from your website. People love the convenience of booking online, and this can save you time by reducing back-and-forth calls or emails.

By following these steps, you can create a website that not only looks good but also works effectively to attract and keep customers. A good website can be one of your best business tools, making it easier for people to find you, learn about your services, and book them—all in one place.

Understand This: Don’t Get Left Behind—Get Your Handyman Business Online

In today’s world, having an online presence isn’t just a nice bonus—it’s a must-have for any business. Around 80% of people looking for handyman services do it online, so if your business doesn’t have a website, you’re missing out on a lot of potential customers.

The real question isn’t if you can afford to have a website; it’s whether you can afford not to. Without a website, your business is invisible to most people who are searching for the services you offer.

Embrace this change and get your business online. By building a website, you give your business a chance to be seen, attract more customers, and grow. In a competitive market like Bainbridge Island, having a website could be the key to your success.

Your business’s future is in your hands, and a website could unlock its full potential, helping you thrive and stay ahead of the competition. Don’t be the handyman left behind—take that step and watch your business grow.

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