Governor of Washington loosens Coronavirus restrictions for state counties.

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After signing a bill to help small businesses, the Governor of Washington Jay Inslee stated in a news conference, his intentions regarding loosening the coronavirus restrictions for six Washington state counties and that those counties would move to the Phase 2 COVID-19 restrictions.

Kitsap County, a part of the Northwest county region, is amongst the counties moving to Phase 2 restrictions. The Phase 2 regulations will permit cafes and restaurants to start indoor service at an about 25 percent capacity only, with a maximum of six diners per table. Indoor gatherings of up to a maximum of five people limiting two households also will be allowed.

The Administration has made it clear that the local and small businesses to serve food only. Alcohol and beverages strictly remain close.

Phase 2 COVID-19 restrictions

Gyms, Yoga Centers, and all other fitness centers will be allowed for indoor users at a 25-percent capacity, up from a Phase 1 restriction of five people. Indoor entertainment centers can allow a maximum of a 25-percent capacity or up to 200 people only.

Governor Jay Inslee stated that counties in the South Central region like Benton, Franklin, Columbia, Kittitas, Walla Walla, and Yakima counties are to remain at Phase 1 status.

The Governor of Washington Jay Inslee issued a statement that an extra $43.5 million for rental help and $43.5 million for Local and small businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic will be rapidly dispensed from the Washington state’s disaster response account. 

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