Kitsap Small Business Update

Apply the Shopping-Mall Test

Apply the Shopping-Mall Test

There’s one more test to apply to candidates, the Shopping Mall Test. “Life is too short to work with people you don’t like—especially in a startup.” This is how it works. Suppose you are at a shopping mall; you see a candidate before he notices you. At that point, you can do one of the […]

Dramatize Your Expectations

Dramatize Your Expectations

KITSAP/BUSINESS—Make it clear to anyone you hire that working in a startup is different from what they are used to and separate from the movies and sitcoms. For the former, you need to ask, “Can you fly coach, function without a secretary, and stay in cheap motels?” You might scare off a few desirable prospects, […]

The Technique of Building a Team

The Technique of Building a Team

GIST KITSAP/BUSINESS—Few tasks are more exciting than recruiting great people for a hot startup, and few factors are more critical to success than great people. It’s not enough that candidates are qualified to work for your startup; they must also believe in your product because working for a startup is closer to a religion than […]

Disclose Everything

Disclose Everything

SEATTLE/BUSINESS—If there’s a crud in your company that you haven’t or can’t clean up immediately, disclose it to investors early in the fund-raising process. The later you reveal it, the harder it is to inform, and the more it will harm your credibility. For example, Garage Technology Ventures once invested in a company that disclosed […]

Remember to Pitch Constantly

Remember to Pitch Constantly

KITSAP/BUSINESS—Familiarity breeds content. When you are totally familiar and comfortable with your pitch, you’ll be able to give it most effectively. There are no shortcuts to achieving familiarity—you have to pitch a lot of times. PRACTICE MAKES PITCH PERFECT. More practice would eventually help you improve your pitch. Twenty-five repetitions are what it takes for […]

Let One Person Do the Talking

Let One Person Do the Talking

KITSAP/BUSINESS—Many entrepreneurs believe that investors invest in teams, so they should demonstrate teamwork in their pitches. Using this reasoning line, four or five employees attend the rise, and each has a speaking role. The logic that everyone should have a speaking role is terrific for a school play. Parents and grandparents see their precious jewels […]

Master the Fine Points

Master the Fine Points

KITSAP/BUSINESS—If you obey the 10/20/30 Rule, your pitches will be better than those of 90 percent of entrepreneurs. To come even closer to perfect on, master these fine points: NEVER. READ. YOUR. SLIDES. Never read your slides. The text on slides is your anchor point. The words out of your mouth are explanatory and embellished. […]

Learn the 10/20/30 Rule.

Learn the 10/20/30 Rule.

KITSAP/BUSINESS—Do you have Méniere’s disease? The medical term used for the combination of tinnitus, hearing loss, and vertigo. There is no cure, but there are many theories about its cause, side effects, medication, and treatment. Some people believe that Méniére’s is the outcome of listening to numerous crappy pitches. Pareto’s Principle is that 80 percent […]



KITSAP/BUSINESS—VERY GREAT COMPANY is unique, but there are a few things that every business must get right at the beginning. We stress this so often because a startup witnessed up at its foundation cannot be fixed. Beginnings are special. They are qualitatively different from all that comes afterward. This was true 13.8 billion years ago, […]

Learning about Pitching.

Learning about Pitching.

GIST Forget, “I think. Therefore I am,” For entrepreneurs, the operative phrase is “I pitch. Therefore I am.” Pitching isn’t only for raising cash—it’s for achieving agreement, and agreement can yield many good results, including sales, partnerships, and new recruitment. Question: How on earth can you know if a businessman is pitching? Answer: Look in his eyes!! […]