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KITSAP COUNTY—Another death from coronavirus in Kitsap raises speculations. The Kitsap Public Health District confirmed another death from COVID-19 on Friday, bringing the countywide total to 99 since the Coronavirus pandemic started in March 2020. New variants and mutations are being discovered throughout the world, and there is a fear of more fatal consequences as new mutations are more deadly than the previous ones.

Press time made no outlines or details on the last death available. Of the 98 prior deaths, 52 were community members 80 and older, 27 ages 70-79, 10 ages 60-69, four ages 50-59, three ages 40-49, and two ages 30-39.

There are no reports on how many civilians had heath conditions but the earlier reports stated that the first 43 people who died, had significant health problems. Most probably, the health district confirmed 24 new positive cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, bringing the total to 6,587 in Kitsap county since the Coronavirus pandemic began.

The health district is considering “isolation” for a total of 192 cases meaning they are “confirmed or probable COVID-19 issues which will remain in isolation for some time.


Safety Measures are taken up by the health district to stop the spread, and the health district would soon give new guidelines. The people who remain isolated would remain there together with the people who were at some point in close contact with them.

According to data from the Washington State Department of Health, Kitsap County has given more than 140,443 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine as of April 6.

COVID-19 cases in Kitsap have continued to be on a constant rise over the last few months after falling from their peak in January. The county’s two-week case rate per 100,000 residents has sky–rocketed about 126, most probably double what it was at the onset of March. Only the December-January peak saw higher case rates in Kitsap since the Coronavirus pandemic started spreading.

The Sky-rocketing case numbers come as the first variant of the virus that causes COVID-19 was discovered in a Kitsap county case in March. The B.1.1.7 variant, popularly known as the U.K. variant, is thought to be more deadly and infectious.

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