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Kitsap: On the 25th of February, the Kitsap Public Health District issued a statement confirming 23 new cases of Coronavirus. The total cases confirmed in Kitsap county from the day the Coronavirus pandemic started is 5,682 in total. South Kitsap has more cases of COVID-19 with eight new cases in 24 hours, whereas Bainbridge island has only one recent case, and North Kitsap has four.

At the very start of February, the Kitsap public health district issued a statement, “while a significant number of new cases are still reported each day, our team has noted an overall decline in cases since early January.” The Kitsap county is now under “high level” of coronavirus activities. The Washington state guidelines clearly say that if the case rate is 75 or above, it is considered a very high level of coronavirus activity, and currently, the statics shows that Kitsap county’s positive case rate per 100,000 residents has dropped to 73.8.

The Kitsap public health district reported that a total of 77 cases were considered in “isolation,” meaning they are “confirmed or probable Coronavirus cases who are in their recommended isolation period.”

Kitsap Public Health District

The Kitsap public health district also stated at a total number of 289 “total close contacts in quarantine” were also confirmed in Kitsap, meaning the Individuals who came into direct contact with Coronavirus assured residents and now they are in their recommended quarantine period.

The total number of deaths due to Coronavirus in Kitsap county is 82 since the coronavirus pandemic began, with 37 confirmed cases of COVID-19 since the beginning of 2021. Of the 82 deaths, 46 were Kitsap community members 80 and older, 23 ages 70-79, nine ages 60-69, two ages 50-59, and one each for ages 40-49 and 30-39.

The Kitsap public health district didn’t list how many had other health conditions but earlier reported that the first 43 people who died had underlying health conditions. Of the 5,682 total cases, 261 have been reported on Bainbridge Island, 1,534 in Bremerton, 1,338 in Central Kitsap, 956 in North Kitsap, and 1,593 in South Kitsap. The total number of vaccine doses given by Kitsap facilities is 51,837. The total number of negative tests is 119,202, and the rate of positive tests over the last week is 4.8 percent.

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